USA Senate demands change of Hodokovsky`s and Lebedev`s imprisonment
Senate resolution, written by senator-republican John MacCane and senators-democrats Joseph Baiden, contains demand of Hodokovsky`s and Lebedev`s place of imprisonment change.
"Hodorkovsky and Lebedev must be transferred to prison which corresponds to norms and practice of Russian laws", - was said in document.
Resolution notices that Hodorkovsky serves his sentence in Chita oblast, while Lebedev - in Yamalo-Neneczky oblast, but according to article 73 of Russian Criminal code "despite of extraordinary circumstances Russian convicts must serve their sentence in prisons where they live or were condemned".
Calling decisions about Lebedev and Hodorkovsky punishment as "return to worst practice and violations of Soviet epoch", resolution insists that "system of Russian criminal administration of justice didn`t provide Hosorkovsky and Lebedev fair and Impartial treatment according to Russian laws".
"Status of Russian Federation as democratic country will strengthen if Russian authorities if Russian laws are not violated".